Cry of the Eagle...Howl of the Wolf
In the Time of the Elders In the time past my ancestors roamed this great land, buffalo were plenty and the Great Mother smiled. Skan looked down and saw the harmony that moved across the land and smiled. All were brothers and sisters and shared the land that gave them air to breathe and paths to follow.

The path of each brother and each sister connected with the others and the Great Spirits guided and protected all who asked.

The Great Mother cries from pain and the Great Father breathes acid rain down upon her. Her children hide or cower when men approach. They have lost the bond that once existed. They fear for their future.

Many of the Great Mother's children have died. Their kind exists no more because of Man's greed, ignorance and fear. He claims all he sees and says his god has given everything to him.

He forgets Maka does not answer to him. He answers to Maka and she will shed tears if he passes, but she will do what she must to regain her health and protect her other children.

In the Time of Now
Call of the Spirits There is much that can be learned from the First Nations' people. We must learn to give freedom to all and respect their beliefs. We must honor our brothers and sisters that walk upon the land, fly above it and swim within its water.

Yuoniha Tashunke Witko...
Yuoniha Tatanka Iyotake...

hokaca haye kiye s e

Hota Sumanitu Taka (Grey Wolf)

Wounded Knee: Stepping Stone
The path from the past to the future.

Free Leonard Peltier
It's time for Justice

Free Standing Deer
It's time for Justice

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